Philadelphia Mark and RAM 2014
Early January is again the time for the Philadelphia double headed meeting of the R.A.M. and Mark Lodges. It hardly seems like five minutes since last year’s meeting, how the time doe’s fly, when you are enjoying your Mark Masonry. For all sorts of reasons the numbers were down on last year’s meeting. However a good afternoon and evening was had by all.
W.Bro Michael Clarke RAMGR Asst. PGM
W.Bro D. Rotheram, W. Bro. Ian Nairn,
W. Cdr. John Myers, W. Cdr. Geoff Bury Pr.RAMGR
W. Bro. Alan Foster. W. Bro. Tony Farrar,
& W.Bro Ian Nairn RAMGR Asst.PGM
W. Bro. Michael Clarke & W. Bro. Maurice Evans  
The Royal ark Mariners meeting commenced at 4 p.m. at which W. Bro. Geoff Bury the outgoing Commander very ably installed his successor W. Bro John Myers into the chair as Worshipful Commander. Then he gave the address to the Commander. Those of you that know the ceremony will realise that it is a one man job and is not easy to split up. However W.Bro Geoff performed excellently.  
W.Bro G. Waters with
W.Bro Alan Foster & W.Bro. Tony Farrar
W. Bro. Jim Richards WM of Jubilee Mark No. 375
Then W. Bro. Ian Nairn representing the P.G.M. greeted the new Commander and the lodge was closed in harmony.
Current Wardens W.Bro. Giles Berkley The old and the new W.Bro Peter Hegarty W.Bro
& W.Bro. Peter Hegarty    
Tony Farrar, W.Bro. Arthur Robinson & Giles Berkley
Then at 6.30 was the turn of the Mark Lodge.  The outgoing W.M. W.Bro. Tony Farrar did a splendid ceremony of installing his successor W.Bro. Alan Foster. With W. Bro Giles Berkley Prov. S. W. And W. Bro. Peter Hegarty Prov. J.W. giving the addresses to the Wardens and the overseers in the manner we have been accustomed to this season. Then W. Bro. Ian gave a faultless address to the brethren. The festive board was then held for both lodges at which 56 members had an enjoyable meal.
The new Wardens W.Bro. Tony Farrar Prov. JW Elect
W.Bro Ian Nairn speaking at festive Board
& W. Bro. Arthur Robinson Prov. SW
W. Bro. Ian Nairn gave as usual a humorous reply to the toast to the grand officers, which at the end he revealed the names of the new Provincial Wardens as is traditional at this meeting. We give our congratulations to W.Bro. Arthur Robinson the new Senior Warden elect (Newton Mark) and to our own W. Bro. Tony Farrar the new Junior Warden elect (Semper Fidelis & Philadelpia Mark)
Members enjoying the festive board

Article by Tony Shaw Photographs Courtesy of Tony Shaw and Giles Berkley